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LV 的新店面竟然不走奢华风,用不锈钢砖做外墙,这次够低调!—— 一起设计

LV's new storefront does not even take the luxury style, using stainless steel bricks as the exterior wall, this time it is low-key!



As a place where the brand and consumers directly face each other, the importance of its design needless to say, and the "front" represents the most intuitive image of the brand.

Today, I will introduce you to two connected luxury shops, both of which use "bricks" as the facades, but use stainless steel bricks and red bricks to bring different styles.

两个外立面都由建筑事务所 UNStudio 负责设计,由 Ben van Berkel 和 Caroline Bos 于 1988 年创立,专注于建筑、室内建筑、产品设计、城市发展以及基础设施项目。

Both façades were designed by the architectural firm UNStudio, founded by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos in 1988, focusing on architecture, interior architecture, product design, urban development and infrastructure projects.

两家店铺都位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的 PC Hooftstraat 购物街上,这里以高端精品店和艺术创意闻名,屡获大奖的 UNStudio 在这次的设计上也是丝毫不含糊,一起来看看吧!

Both stores are located on the PC Hooftstraat shopping street in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is famous for high-end boutiques and artistic creativity. The award-winning UNStudio is also unambiguous in this design. Let's take a look!

以前我们看到的 LV 旗舰店都是极尽浮夸之能事,怎么显眼怎么来

The LV flagship stores we have seen before are all very grandiose things, how can they be conspicuous?






But this time, it was uncharacteristically. At first glance, I thought it was an ordinary gray brick, but what happened to the faintly revealed flash? Only by looking carefully, it is a "stainless steel brick".

The stainless steel brick exterior wall with glass embedded on the first layer not only enhances the texture visually, but also makes the wall transparent. The exquisite details create a unique store experience.

Stainless steel bricks have two casting sizes, square and rectangular alternately arranged to avoid dullness.

The second floor transitions to the black exterior wall tiles used in traditional Dutch townhouses, forming a virtual contrast with the lower level. There are also some white opaque glass inlays in the middle, adding a bright spot to the whole. The slanted steel window frame is very elegant and dynamic.

The third floor is an apartment, and the entrance door of the apartment is a hidden door made of stainless steel bricks.



Opaque glass is embedded to ensure the privacy of the entrance area of the apartment, and the keyhole is integrated into the brick.

Stainless steel door handles and doorbells have also been custom-designed to blend with the overall interior appearance.


In the flagship store of the fashion brand next door, inspired by silky fashion fabrics, three curved glass boxes are embedded in the red brick wall. With a fluent attitude, it combines fashion and architecture into one.

值得一提的是,这次的承建商 Wessels Zeist 在几年前也负责了 Chanel 荷兰旗舰店「水晶屋」的外墙施工。


It is worth mentioning that the contractor Wessels Zeist was also responsible for the exterior wall construction of the "Crystal House" of Chanel's flagship store in the Netherlands a few years ago.

The three glass boxes in this project are all assembled in the factory and shipped to the site. The details of the edges have been carefully designed. The curved glass plates and the straight glass plates are connected together with silica gel.


安装好后,在 GRC 面板的顶部添加刚性绝缘层,然后将红砖粘贴到绝缘层上。



The covered stainless steel material protects the edge of the glass from damage.

After installation, add a rigid insulation layer on the top of the GRC panel, and then paste the red brick on the insulation layer.

The three glass plates flow down from a high place like a transparent cloth, creating a tall visual space that has both aesthetics and functionality.

It brings great visual enjoyment, which can be said to be "smooth as silk."


The inspiration of these two projects is from high fashion, and whether it is haute couture or architecture, they are actually integrated with the designer's unremitting pursuit of craftsmanship. The brick wall design is so novel, it can be regarded as the office's high-level custom design. Salute.
